Photo Challenge V.2


Hello, hello!!
Remember these photos I posted a couple weeks back?
Well, now I am going to finish up the last few photos I had from January's Photo a Day Challenge.
Yippy! :)
I definitely enjoy taking random photos, but it was a challenge to get one for every single day this month.
Plus, I was a day or two late on some of them so I would wind up posting like three in one day! ha.
It was so much fun, though!
February has already arrived, and a new challenge is already going on.
My goal is to post one every day, on time, without missing a day! *fingers crossed*
I look forward to sharing them all with you soon!
For now, please enjoy the last few from January! :)
(ps. I'm certain I am even more in love with instagram. yikes!!)

This second half starts with Day 16 and goes through Day 31.

 Day 16. Morning.
 Sandwich, blogging, and coffee. :)
(coffee NOT pictured, but you better believe that I had some, folks!)

Day 17. Water.

 Day 18. Something you bought.
ANOTHER book! :D 

Day 19. Sweet.
Jiminy Cricket just hangs out in my room. ;)

 Day 20. Someone you love.
One of my best friends, Kim! 
I honestly don't know what I would do w/o her!
(can't wait to see you, kimmie - love you!)

 Day 21. Reflection.
Nathan left me a sweet note on my car one day.
I spent the weekend looking over it while he was at drill.
I'm blessed. :)

 Day 22. Shoes.
Nathan's ARMY boots.

Day 23. Something old.
Antique shopping!!

 Day 24. Guilty Pleasure. 
This was suppose to be a photo of the cast of 'Jersey Shore'.
I decided to spare you all. ;)
I went with the new cheesy bread from Domino's instead. 

 Day 25. Something I made. 
PB&J. *delicious*

 Day 26. Color.
My favorite turquoise scarf & yummy coffee!

Day 27. Lunch.
I ate my lunch before I could take a photo of it.
So, I snapped one of my pecan coffee that I ate afterwards. ;)

 Day 28. Light.
.:[let it shine, no matter how small]:.

Day 29. Inside my fridge.
Technically, this is Nathan & Ben's fridge. 
Sad, huh?! ;)

 Day 30. Nature.
The view from Nathan's porch.

Day 31.
 Me, again.

I had a blast doing this challenge!
I am sure February will be just as fun.  
If this something you would like to do, then please start this month. :)
You can do it on instagram, your blog, facebook, twitter, tumblr ... anything, really! 
I would love to follow along with all your lovely photos. 

Happy Groundhog Day!!
(The weather has been fickle this year, so who knows what will happen.)

much love, colie. 

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