

Happy Leap Day, friends! 
I woke up this morning with a splitting headache. :/ 
On a brighter note, the weather is kind of fantastic outside.
I haven't listened to the news or anything today, but Nathan text me this morning saying that there was a tornado up in Branson last night.
My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone hurt or any damage done.
Storms are ok. Tornados = no bueno.

I got the plaque (& awesome owls) in the photo above the other day at a cute pottery store.
I fell in love with almost everything there!
I seriously had to refrain from buying every item. 
Anyways, I felt that the plaque was quite appropriate for myself.
I think I tend to lack courage when it comes to my own life. 
I believe part of that comes from a lack of trust. 
I get scared. 
I panic.
I retreat & run the opposite direction.
So, not only being a reminder to myself, but hopefully to you all as well:
Have courage. & ever so slowly, move. 
Just. keep. moving. 
And that narrow path of possibilities will get bigger and a light will shine on even the smallest of dreams.

much love. 

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