

Happy Leap Day, friends! 
I woke up this morning with a splitting headache. :/ 
On a brighter note, the weather is kind of fantastic outside.
I haven't listened to the news or anything today, but Nathan text me this morning saying that there was a tornado up in Branson last night.
My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone hurt or any damage done.
Storms are ok. Tornados = no bueno.

I got the plaque (& awesome owls) in the photo above the other day at a cute pottery store.
I fell in love with almost everything there!
I seriously had to refrain from buying every item. 
Anyways, I felt that the plaque was quite appropriate for myself.
I think I tend to lack courage when it comes to my own life. 
I believe part of that comes from a lack of trust. 
I get scared. 
I panic.
I retreat & run the opposite direction.
So, not only being a reminder to myself, but hopefully to you all as well:
Have courage. & ever so slowly, move. 
Just. keep. moving. 
And that narrow path of possibilities will get bigger and a light will shine on even the smallest of dreams.

much love. 

Sunshine & Rain.

Do you see how bright and lovely the sunshine is coming through my bedroom?
I am in a no-sleeve shirt, people.
Last week we had days in the 70's.
There needs to be an AMEN for that folks!

However, as I sit here (obviously awake when I should be sleeping) there is a storm brewing outside my window.
I tend to enjoy storms, though.
I sleep the best when it is raining hard and the wind is blowing like crazy.
I know, I know. I'm weird.

Anyways, I have been away from the computer and especially blogging the past few days.
I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things this week!
I have lots to share with the hiking adventure that Nathan & I took, the Harlem gospel choir singing (and dancing) for the glory of God, & a few things I've had on my heart to share!

PS. I am so tired of my short hair. I can not express that enough. :/ 
Everyone should pray that my hair starts growing ... FASTER!! ;) 
Please & thank you.

much love, friends!

My life, according to the world of Instagram.


I adore love instagram!! ;)
I have stayed off of it a bit more than usual the past few weeks, but my heart gets so happy looking at all the fun & pretty photos I find on there.
So, tonight I decided to take a look at my most recent photos that I've taken over the past three weeks or so. 
I found that almost all of them contained some sort of "fashion" snaps (in quotations because I have NO fashion sense), messy hair, silly faces, comfy clothes, shoes galore, and COFFEE! so much coffee! I have a problem. 
**I warned you all about the coffee. ;)

Happiest Friday to you all! 
much love. 

Adventure Day, Part 2


Hello, hello!
I am back for the second installment of our little adventure from yesterday. :)
After our trip to the small town of Hardy, we headed over to Mammoth Springs.
It was fun to walk around the park, hand in hand, soaking up the warm sun!

By the end of this little adventure I was hungry!
& I tend to get a bit cranky when I haven't eaten.
So, we finished our little walk around the park, hopped in the car, and headed home!
I'm so happy I got to spend a great day with my favorite person. :)
He sure makes me laugh & everything just seem a whole lot better!
PS: I just want everyone to know that I was scared to death walking across that bridge! I made Nathan hold my hand the whole time. 

Happy Thursday, folks!
much love. 

Adventure Day, Part 1


Well, lovely people, I had the day off of work!
*jumped for joy*
I originally had to work, but got my schedule switched around so that I could have today off & then work this coming Friday! :)
The weather was in the low 70's and boy-oh-boy was it nice!
So, we decided to head outside and see what adventures we could get into.
I took a ton of photos so I am breaking them into two posts.
This was the first part of our day:

Nathan has been wanting to ride the four-wheeler for weeks now!
He finally got me on one & we had a blast. :)

I just want to say that it stayed cloudy the whole time we rode the four-wheeler.
Then as soon as we got off, ran inside to use the restroom, and went back out ... it was SUNNY!
Anyways, then we decided to make our way over to Hardy.
I can't believe I have never been there before.
It was a cute little town with some lovely shops. :)

The day was filled with red sunglasses, hoodies, smiles, windblown hair, candy, ice cream, fancy old digs, and a hazelnut latte that tasted like a cappuccino, creepy alleyways, quotes, mirror photos, jokes, shoes, a closed bookstore *tear*, and hand holding. :)

I'll have Part 2 of our adventure up tomorrow!
I hope you all had a happy Wednesday!
much love.