You matter.


Lately, I have been struggling with inadequacy.
Ha. Well, really most of my life.
'Lately' just sounds better. ;)
For such a happy person, I tend to beat myself up more than anyone I know.
I'm not sure why I do that.
We all have our flaws and this is one of mine. :/

I started re-reading 'The five people you meet in Heaven'.
It is such a great novel.
I think many times, our role or purpose seems so small and insignificant.
That is how I feel sometimes.
I want to be doing all these great things to make the world a better place, but I feel like I am just struggling to stay above water with day to day responsibilities.

Life is a beautiful, messy, crazy, lovely thing.
I pray that I can get past the idea of what I feel I "should" be or what I "should" be doing.
God has me exactly where He wants me.
He wants to use me exactly where I am, no matter how small that may seem in my eyes.
The willingness to listen and be obedient is the key!

Allow yourself to be used by God.
Be grateful for where He has you.
Find joy in the things you do have, and not worry about the things you lack.
I wish everyone a wonderful day!
much love.

PS. Please pick up a copy of this novel. It is a wonderful read.
If you ever feel 'unworthy' or 'inadequate' then it is a wonderful story to show just how much your life is in HIS hands. You are important. You are making a difference.


  1. Girl, you are right! You are exactly who God wants you to be and exactly where he wants you!

    1. Aw. Thanks dear! :)
      That little bit of encouragement always helps!
      I appreciate the kind words.
      I hope you had a wonderful day.
      PS. Your blog is great!

  2. I've heard about this book so many times...must read it.

    xo erica

    1. You really should! It is wonderful. :)
      I got my copy at a used bookstore downtown.
      It was only $4! **that made it even better. ;)
      Have a wonderful day!!!

  3. Such a great book! And I love that Dr. Seuss quote :)

    1. It is! It is! :)
      & isn't that quote fantastic?!
      You can't go wrong with Dr. Seuss!! ;)
