The weekend flew by ... as always!


I was so grateful to have a the whole weekend off from work.
It is always nice, especially when you get to do a lot of fun stuff with people you adore. :)
Friday night I got to spend some time with Nathan & his family.
His mom always has the yummiest mashed potatoes ... and I may or may not eat ALL of them!!! ;)
Saturday morning, I was up bright and early.
Nathan's mom and sister picked me up for our ladies Spa day! :D

Please just let me say that I had a vision of what the trip would be like on the way up there.
I thought we would be laughing, them telling me stories about Nathan that he didn't want me to know, sharing our likes and dislikes ... and you get the picture.
Well, oh noooo ... that did NOT happen, folks.
We took back roads, curvy back roads, and I tend to get car sick. :/
Let's just say that most of my time was spent in the back seat with a terrible headache and trying hard not to pass out the whole time!!

Then, we arrive at a hospital thinking it is where we are suppose to be.
We were so lost and confused by that point.
To top it off, I had to use the bathroom sooo bad.
Like when you have to pee to the extent that you may cry if you don't go .. yea, that kind! :/
Once we found one, I would have jumped for joy if it weren't for the fact that I may have peed myself if I did!!

When we found the Spa, we were so happy!
It was the most relaxing afternoon I have had in awhile.
Manicures & massages! Aw!
Plus, the company I had made it ALL the better.
**If I haven't said it at this point, I kind of adore Nathan's mom and sister! A LOT!!! :D

Afterwards, we met up with Nathan, Holly, and Mason for dinner at Chili's!
I kind of filled myself up on chips and queso.
I do it every time and then regret it when my food arrives because I'm not as hungry.
When we were so full and thought our bellies would pop, we said goodbye to Holly & Mason, before heading over to the mall.
I got a lot of goodies while I was there.

Some of my favorite stores!

Spa pamplet, Starbucks Blonde coffee beans, owl journal, a love note written on a Chili's napkin, AE sweater (for 10 bucks!!), and a Reese's easter egg. :) 

So, Saturday was a pretty jam packed day full of greatness!
Then this morning Nathan & I went to church.
The worship & service was fantastic!! 
The rest of the day consisted of a two hour nap, relaxing on the couch, drinking coffee, looking at my rad turquoise shellac nails, checking blogs, & making up songs and dances moves to make my mom and sisters laugh hysterically! ;)

I hope your weekend was just as lovely!
much love.

PS. I have no idea why I didn't take one photo of any of us during the weekend. :( 
I'll have to make sure I snap a few on the next adventure!

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