I'm alive, I'm alive!


dinner date.

Goodness, me.
I have felt like I have be absent from the blogging world a lot this past week.
This probably has to do with the fact that I have. :/
I completely missed my 'Tuesdays with Colie' post this past Tuesday.
So, it looks like this coming Tuesday you'll get a double post. :)
Which will be fun, but more typing for me. ;)
(& I don't even want to talk about how I have neglected my tumblr. poor thing.)

Anyhoo, I just wanted to update you all on what has been happening lately.

1. I have had the craziest work schedule. This is legit, considering I had two days off and then had an eight day work schedule afterwards.  :/ (I still have 3 more days after today) I'm obviously looking forward for next Wed/Thurs so that I can sleep in and relax a bit.

2. I got sick ... AGAIN!! geez. You know the saying, "I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired?" -- UMM... yea, well I am completely on board with that. I mean, I couldn't even drink coffee, folks!! & I LOVE coffee. :( **side note: coffee is the numbero UNO worst thing to drink with a sore throat. sad day, indeed. -- wonderful news, though. i finally got to drink a cup yesterday morning!! it was glorious. ;)

3. Nathan & I became official about 2 weeks ago, and he has been the biggest blessing in my life. :) & in between work and being sick ... I had some time to squeeze him into my crazy schedule. Which was nice, but meant we were both exhausted. I don't like that our work schedules are completely opposite of the other. :/ BUT! we do have next weekend off so that is going to be wonderful.
(ps. there will be photos of us together SOON!! ... I promise! :)

4. I am getting excited for one of my best friends, Jordan, having a birthday this coming Sunday! :) She will be the big 2-5! Which means she is closer to the big 3-0 than me. ;) **only by 3 months, though. ha.

I hope you have all been doing well!
I am looking forward to sharing more on this blog in the upcoming months. :)

I wanted to leave you with a photo from a recent trip that Nathan & I took while antique shopping. It was at a local shop, which was so sweet and got me quite giddy and excited. (the little things makes me happy. thrifting and antiquing are two of them!) Anyhoo, I came across this birthday card and couldn't help snapping a photo of it. I laughed so hard!! -- Now, I wish I had bought it for Jordan. ;)

Enjoy the weekend.
Stay warm.

much love, colie!

Have you seen this awesome-ness?!! :)


The other day I found this video on twitter via Cory Monteith.
I LOVED it & had to share it with Nathan.
I figured I might as well share it with everyone else.
Ya know, in case you weren't one of the almost 36 million people who viewed it on YouTube! ;)

Happy Tuesday!

Sunday Secrets.



It makes me happy when someone genuinely asks me "How are you today?", while I am at work. It is nice to know that someone cares enough to know the answer.

Sometimes I like talking in a British accent.
I makes me feel cool. ;)

I hate packing! So, I wish every time I went some where, I could buy ALL NEW THINGS.
ah, now wouldn't that be lovely?!

When I think about my when I had long hair in high school, I almost want to cry.
Cutting it was a horrible idea. :(

There are times I wish I weren't so nice to people. They have a tendency to walk all over me.

I thought my favorite season was Fall, but it may be Spring. I'm not sure. It might be both. :)

Sometimes I imagine what my life were like if I had celebrities as friends.

Up to the age of five, I would have argued with anyone that I had the ability to fly. Now at the age of 24, I only wish that were true. ;)

I plan to travel through Europe one day. Oh, and how very sweet that will be!

When I eat a PB&J, the peanut butter must be room temperature while the jelly HAS to be cold!

My heart melts a little when a man can play the guitar and sing to me.

I love the name Charlie. I don't know why. I just do.

I wish I lived at Walt Disney World.
I'm certain then that all my dreams would come true! ;)

Happy, Happy Sunday!
much love.

The in-between.


Life is a fickle thing, I tell ya.
I find myself caught up in two different worlds, so to speak.

First, I just want to start off by saying that I am a Christian.
I love the Lord with all my heart!
If you are someone who knows me well, then you definitely know this about me.
However, I try not to be one of those over-bearing, in your face, kind of "Christians".
(**quotations are put around christian because it has become such a watered down, misused word.)
I'm one of those "open-minded christians" you hear about, I suppose.

I believe that being a "christian" and being IN the world, but not OF the world is one of the hardest things to do.
I find myself struggling with that a lot!
I remember when I first gave my life to the Lord.
Goodness, what a feeling!
Joy. Happiness. Love. Grace. Peace.
I was on fire and NOTHING or NO ONE could stop me.

Ah ... but then time moved on.
There have been seasons come and go along the way.
I have seen myself on the very top of the mountain bursting with pure joy.
I've also found myself in the low depths of valley wondering if God were really around at all.
In those times, I questioned God.
I think that is okay to do. I don't believe He was ever mad at me.
For He knows my heart and every emotion, need, and struggle that I face in this life ... I mean, He kinda wrote the story, ya know?! ;)

And along my journey, I have grown.
In that growth, I have changed.
I still LOVE the Lord!
I know that NOTHING can shake that from me.
However, I find myself unsure of the balance between expressing my love for the Lord and not talking about my faith "so much".
The latter has a tendency of pushing people away. : /

We live in a very strange culture and time.
Jesus never sought after the rich or desireable, but just the opposite.
He came to those in their brokeness & brought light to their life.
He didn't judge or down grade those who were "different".
He offered arms to hold them and love to heal them.
I'm still learning how to do that, while not worrying wether someone will like me in the end.
It has been a very hard lesson for me to learn that no matter how much you want people to like you, they just might not.
I'm still working on it.

As I have mentioned in a previous post, some of my conservative friends think I'm more liberal, while my more liberal friends believe I am quite conservatice.
I believe this is funny because on either side, I am judged.
My "conservative" friends believe I should be more traditional. Some even feel the need that everything they talk about be followed by scripture or some type of message that the Lord has sent them.
While, my "liberal" friends believe I should be more open-minded. Though, they do see that I am different than most "christians", they feel my box is still far too small and needs to be expanded.

"Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.'
-Matthew 7: 1-2

It seems like I spend so much time trying to fit into what the world, whether it be of christians or non-believers, EXPECT of me. (This probably steaming from the fact that I am a people pleaser in many ways.)
It makes me so tired trying to keep up with it all.

All I can say is that I love Jesus, I love people, and I'm NOT perfect.
Without Jesus in my life there would be a great void missing, which nothing could fill.
I want to be a better person because of His presence in my life.
His grace is so abundant if we would be willing to accept it!
But every now and again I may say a curse word, I still plan to get another tattoo, I would rather listen to "secular" music sometimes instead of some christian band on the raido, I like people who aren't afraid to be themselves, and I've learned along the way that I have no clue who will or will not enter the gates of heaven based on what they believe ... nor is it my place.

"I'm speaking to you as dear friends. Don't be bluffed into silence or insincerity by the threats of religious bullies. True, they can kill you, but then what can they do? There's nothing they can do to your soul, your core being. Save your fear for God, who holds your entire life -- body and soul -- in his hands. Stand up for me among the people you meet and the Son of Man will stand up for you before all God's angels. But if you pretend you don't know me, do you think I'll defend you before God's angels?"
-Luke 12: 4-5 & 8-9
(The Message)


I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!



So, I like almost any genre of movies.
I really do.
Comedy, action, thriller, drama, indie, and everything in between.

Sometimes a girl just needs a good ole fashion "romance" movie to watch, though.
They can be cheesy, but I can't help saying that I have a soft spot for them!

That all being said, leads me to talk about an upcoming movie coming out for Valentine's Day.
There are three AWESOME things about it.

1. Rachel McAdams. -- I adore her!! I fell in love with her as an actress since her performance in  'The Notebook'. Who couldn't?? Geez. Gorgeous & Flawless.

2. Channing Tatum. -- Although I don't think he is the most amazing actor, there always seems to be something honest about his performance. Like, even though he is super cute... there is some shy boy quailty to him. -- Or that could just be me imagining it all. ;)

3. True Love. -- There have definitely been times in my life where I have questioned whether it was real. I am aware that this is just a movie. In "real life" it is hard to find people who are truly "in love" with eachother. However, watching these types of movies always seems to reassure me that maybe ... just maybe ... it does exist.

I may have teared up watching this trailer.
It's ok if you did too.

Tuesdays with Colie Week 2


taken from page 55 of 'tuesdays with morrie'

Unlike week one, this week's lesson hit me like a ton of bricks.
The other day I spoke about how I tend to worry far too much. : /
I believe that in that worry, I start feeling sorry for myself at times.

Do you have those moments?
I'm sure they happen far more often than we would like to admit.

Every time I read about Morrie in the last stages of his life, it always seems to tug at some emotion in my heart.
It makes me stop and remember that life truly is a beautiful thing.
Mitch says that even for Morrie, a dying man, who could no longer stand, barely wash/feed himself, or pull up his pants thought that he was lucky.
Can you believe it?
That seems like a bit crazy since we tend to fret over even the smallest of things not going our way.
I think Morrie was special, though. 
I hope only to be more like him. :)

Mitch once asked Morrie if he felt sorry for himself.
This was his response:

"Sometimes, in the mornings. Thats when I mourn. I feel around my body, I move my fingers and hands - whatever I can still move - and I mourn what I've lost. I mourn the slow, insidious way in which I'm dying. But then I stop mourning. I give myself a good cry if I need it. But then I concentrate on all the good things still in my life. On the people who are coming to see me. On the stories I'm going to hear. On you - if its Tuesday. Because we're Tuesday people."

It is okay to be hurt, to worry, to be sad, to struggle, to feel broken.
Just remember that you are alive and that you have purpose.
In the mist of what we face, I hope we remember that life is short.
(and. so. very. precious.)

Don't feel sorry for yourself.
Be proud. 
Be grateful.
Give thanks.
Smile often.

much love, friends.

(PS) ---> Mitch said that visiting with his old professor was like 'a cleansing rinse of human kindness'. 
So don't just remember to be kind to others, but remember to be kind to yourself. 
If you have made it this far in your life, then you are doing good. 
Until next week's lesson ...

Photo Challenge V.1


I am a little obsessed with instagram.
(if you don't know what it is, and you have an iphone, then check it out here.
then download it & add me under the username 'theplaidsparrow'.)

This month they had a 'January Photo a Day' Challenge.
It looks like this:

I obviously had to take on the challenge!
Photos, instagram, friends ... who could say no to that??
Anyhoo, so I decided to break this up into two parts.
I'll start this post off with Days 1-15.
& at the end of the month I'll end with Days 16-31. 

 Day 1. Me.
(standing all awkward)

 Day 2. Breakfast.
(looks kinda gross, but i love coffee w/ biscuits & gravy)

Day 3. Something you adore.
(my owl ring. *love*)

 Day 4. Letterbox
(letters, photos, memories, and more)

Day 5. What I wore.
(this day was super warm outside, but i really wanted to wear all my scarves) ;)

Day 6. Makes you smile.
(planning trips down to dallas to see one of my best friends, kim)

Day 7. Favorite.
(nathan sent me flowers @ work!!!)

 Day 8. My sky.
(the view from my backyard)

Day 9. Daily Routine.
(almost every morning, folks)

 Day 10. Childhood.
(my FAVORITE photo of my mom & i. do you love how clueless I look, yet I have my "thumbs up" sign!?)

Day 11. Where I sleep.
(nothing too exciting here. simple. the way I like it.)

 Day 12. Close up.
(big eyes!)

 Day 13. In my bag.
(i could live in my purse.)

Day 14. What I'm reading. 
(books I'm finishing, starting, or rereading ... it is never ending!)

Day 15. Happiness.
(playing DK on the super nintendo with the guys!)

I really am having a blast doing this challenge. 
I may come up with my own for next month as well! 
Hope you enjoyed!
I'll be back in a few weeks with the rest. 

much love, colie

a stirring of my heart.


"To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under Heaven."
-Ecclesiastes 3:1

There are some days that I just feel so overwhelmed.
The journey down this road we call life is not always an easy one to follow.

There are moments - days - when my anxiety gets the best of me.
I find myself constantly worrying.
I worry about how I will ever get caught up on school loans and make all my bills on time.
I worry about how I can be a better friend.
I worry about how I be the best example of Christ to my family. (& if I fail, how I can change that..)
I worry about how I can lift the burdens of those I love so dearly.
I worry that I am too sensitive.
I worry about those I do not know, but who need our love and encouragement.
I worry about if I will have truly done what the Lord has asked of me in this life, when He returns.

I worry, worry, worry.
I have a mind that rarely shuts off for I feel there is always something to be done, someone to help, or ways to be a better person.
I feel things with such a deep passion and love.
This in many ways is a blessing and a burden.
And because of that, I find myself tired.
So. very. tired.

In those moments I ask God when this season will pass.
I wonder if my next chapter is being written or if I have to continue to fight through it to see that shining light around the corner.

There is definitely a season for everything.
We all experience them, good and bad.
However, who I am isn't going to change.
I am still going to worry.
I am still going to love others so deeply and want to lift their burdens from their shoulders.
I am still going to fret about bills.
That is a part of life and a part of me.

The one thing God has been speaking to me is that I shouldn't change, but that I should give those worries to Him.
I've always known this, but I'm a "fixer".
You know, someone who thinks that if they work hard enough, love more, and pray - that it will somehow all fall together how I pictured in my mind.
Yea, God doesn't really work like that.
He has His own plan.
I forget that at times.

This morning God reminded me that He is enough.
He is there for me when life gets messy or difficult.
He says to me, "Daughter, I love you. I will hold you in my arms and keep you safe. There will be no worries for I will take them away. You are my beloved. I cherish you."
His love for me can be overwhelming at times that I find myself on the brink of tears.
Isn't it amazing?
That I am but just a small speck in the universe, yet I matter so much to Him!? :)
He feels the same you!
Never forget that.

"Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light." -Matthew 11:28-30

(instagram: sofifiicom)

It's Friday!


Today wasn't too bad at work, but has left me exhausted.
I think knowing that I have to be at work by 8 in the morning doesn't help.
Plus, I'm a weirdo and I have to be up 2 hours before I go somewhere to prepare myself for the day.
Its a process for me, folks. ;)

Anyways, I decided to do Friday links again.
I always enjoy sharing with you all my favorite blog posts of the week, interesting news, and cute things that make me happy. :)
I will also be posting a photo with every Friday links, for "flashback fridays".
I hope you enjoy!

sisters eating lunch @ Epcot. :)

Danielle knows how to start her morning off right with this oatmeal.

This dress is so adorable. :)

Can we please talk about how amazing these salt & pepper puzzle piece shakers are??! 

Lauren is doing her Valentine's Day love post from around the world!
(if you would like to include yourself & a loved one, then contact lauren asap)

As I have an obsession with scarves, I also have an obsession with hats.

This time of the year makes my lips stay chapped, luckily I started using this so now they stay nice and smooth. 

Isn't this the cutest bicycle and puppy since Dorothy & Toto?! :D

I adore this store!

Casey's blog is absolutely one of my favorites! This post is one reason why.  <3

The always lovely Katie shows us how to make party hats in a pinch. It looks easy & fun! Something I will definitely be doing soon. :)

& ending Friday links I wanted to send you over to a new blog I am reading. Enjoy!

Happy weekend everyone!
much love, colie

Tumblr Thursday


Ok, folks ... I meant to post this when I woke up this morning.
However, a last minute trip to the city was made.

Anyhoo, here were some of my favorite photos from my tumblr this past week!
(ps. if any photos belong to you, please let me know & i'll be more than happy to add your information)

 i need to do this in my hallway. :)

 love = free. 

audrey hepburn & husband. 

 i adore the dress, the colors, & sweet tattoo. 

remember that ladies. 

 this is what my workspace SHOULD look like ... with that nice MAC desktop, please?! ;)

 childhood. never forget.

quite dapper, sir.

 i need that old camera. 

 this has to stir some emotion in you, folks!

 "goonies never say die"


 this movie must be watched again ... soon!

sweet sisters. 

 my two LOVES!! -- coffee & owls! :D

scotland, i'll be seeing you one day. :)

 zooey deschanel got a lovely gift!

 love the hair!

moleskin drawing.

 sweet bed, eh?!


I hope you all had a wonderful Thursday!
much love, colie

my newest obsession


First I have to start off by saying that I am exhausted this morning!
I stayed at Nathan's late.
Why, you ask?
Because two of his friends had this:


Yes, my heart was very happy.
So of course a few hours were spent in front of the flat screen tv, sitting indian style on the floor, & getting slightly angry out how hard it was to advance levels in Donkey Kong.
It was pure greatness. :)

Anyhoo, so yesterday I discovered the lovely, Lana Del Rey.
I have no clue how long she has been around.
Frankly, she could already be very popular in the music world, and I am just slightly behind on it.
Which tends to happen at times, I'm afraid. 

Basically I am digging this song.
I'm not sure who her music reminds me of ... almost a combination of two people. 
I just can't put my finger on it quite yet. 

I hope you enjoy the video!
Have a happy Wednesday, folks. :)

much love, colie

(ps. this video and more about lana del rey can be found on her website.)

Tuesdays with Colie, Week 1


feel free to purchase a copy for yourself. it is wonderful! :)

Do you know that feeling you get after reading a novel, that feeling of never wanting to let go of it. You want to hold onto the story, the characters, the emotions.
Yes? Good.
No? I hope you do someday.

Morrie is about to die.
He is in the last few months of his life when Mitch hears about his old professors illness.
And just as it would be, Mitch has one last class with Morrie.
In his home, by the window in his study.
With only a short time, Morrie shares the lessons about life and how to truly LIVE.

So, over the course of the next fourteen weeks, I have decided to take that journey.
I hope that you all do as well.

"Dying is only one thing to be sad over. Living unhappily is something else." -Morrie Schwartz

**taken from 'tuesdays with morrie' page 48**

Sometimes I just stop and think about how small we all are in comparison to the world, the universe.
We are the size of ants, smaller even.
I am not sure if we are even a speck.
In a sense, we barely exist to the world around us.
Yet, we do in fact exist.
We all desire to be happy and live a life filled with love.
However, sometimes we are constantly striving for things that in the end ... as Morrie talks about ... won't matter. 
We also forget to show compassion and love to others because we spend so much time thinking about what we need for ourselves. We never have enough, right?
We keep looking for what this world can offer us to make us momentarily happy.

I feel that many times we get so caught up in having more, that we let our dreams slip away.
I hope we can find them again. 

Morrie spoke of how something changed in him once he became ill. 
He began to feel closer to people when he began to suffer.
He felt their pain and hurt.
People he didn't even know ... that his heart ached for them and instantly he would come to tears. 

During one of Mitch's classes he had with his professor in college, Morrie showed up one day and just stood in front of the class.
He just starred ... and waited.
No sound.
Everyone fidgeting, nervous, awkward.
When the silence finally broke, Morrie got what he wanted all along.
A discussion about the effect of silence on human relations.

Why are we constantly moving?
We live in a time where silence rarely exists.
Who has the time, right?
I have to say that it is something that I have to remind myself daily to do.
I do not always succeed. 
Silence is very important, I feel.
I believe that in the silence we are able to really stop and reflect on what we really NEED in our lives, not just what we WANT. 
Silence allows us to slow down and enjoy life.
When we finally do that, I think that the pursuit of living begins again.

Morrie once said, "The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in. Love is the only rational act."

It was an oh-so-lovely night. :)


small glimpses of my date night through instagram. 

So, several people have asked me how my date went last night.
I wasn't sure if I really wanted to say much or write anything on my blog about it (mainly because I know he reads my blog...), but I decided I would say a few things.

I must be honest and say that I thought on several occasions about canceling my date throughout the week.
I didn't want to give dating another shot, because frankly, dating these days is absolutely daunting.
(Those who are married, happily married, be ever so grateful!!)
However, with all my feelings about the dating, I told myself that it was best to at least give it a shot.
What did I have to lose, right?

And I'm really glad I did.
First, he PLANNED the date.
Did I say PLANNED??! -- When do men do that anymore?
Every guy I have dated has no clue what he wants to do and waits until the last minute.
Then I had to be the one to decide.
Romantic, eh? :  /

Also, he planned it for a really nice trip about an hour away.
We got to chat the whole way there, laugh, and get to know each other more.
It was wonderful! :)

& THEN... he tells me that we have "reservations" at 7:45!!!
people... (please excuse this saying, but....) HOLD THE PHONE!!
I mean ... really???
I had to have him repeat it! ha.
In that moment I was a little tickled & found myself thinking that the date might be the best ever. :)

So, we got to eat at a lovely little place.
It was a bit loud, but fun.
Also, the food was wonderful -- though we both had to take half our plates home!! :)

Afterwards, we got to meet some of his friends at a local coffee house.
UMM... let me just tell you, that is absolute bonus points in my book!
Any man who takes me out for coffee can pritty much make my day ... especially if I don't ask!! (which I am pritty sure has never happened)
Anyhoo, his friends were amazing.
I really liked chatting with them! So sweet.

It was coming up on 11pm at that point, and boy oh boy, was I TIRED!!!
I may be 24, but geez people ... I am an old lady. ;)
So, we got to chat most of the way back home ... except when I drifted off for a quick nap.
**side note, he brought a pillow for me because he knew if we stayed out late then I would be tired. He knew I had to work this morning & wanted me to nap if I felt like it. 

We then sat in my driveway for a good hour or so and just talked and talked.
I was exhausted ... and especially now that I am about to leave for work.
However, I had the BEST time! So, a little lack of sleep won't hurt me too bad today.

Basically last night was a smashing success. :D
I do have a bit of trust issues and can't help but think that every man is going to turn out to be a jerk ... but goodness ... I hope that I am so very wrong, friends.

Well, I need to finish getting ready for work. : /
I hope you all had a wonderful Friday night & enjoy the rest of your weekend!

much love, colie

PS: I just wanted to leave you with this quote by Olive Penderghast (aka: the amazing Emma Stone). It describes how I feel perfectly. (which probably has a lot to do with the fact that I LOVE any 80's  movie flick ... but, yea)

Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80's movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life.