from now on, i will always floss.


from thanksgiving. 
yes, those are really my sisters.
i wasn't adopted, nor was the blonde headed one. ;)

So, life has been hectic around these here parts (please imagine that with my thickest country accent. I hope it made you giggle.). 

First, I feel like I am going to have an anxiety attack or blow up on someone at work any minute these days. I'm serious. 
I realize that no matter how old we get, where we work, or which environment that we find ourselves in, that we will always be around people who test our patience and kindness. Sometimes I wonder if a few extra dollars an hour + insurance is really worth dealing with it all. 
I guess if I ever get the nerve to actually walk out one day, then I'll have my answer.

Secondly,  I went two weeks ago to the dentist for a teeth cleaning. While I was there, I was told that I had three cavities that needed to be filled. & I was like, "Yea. Let's do this...", except I had to wait until this morning. 
Which was fine.

& just so you all know now, I am a weird-o. 
Why, you ask? -- Oh, because I like going to the dentist. Yes, I know. Weird. 
I don't even mind the needles. The only thing I actually don't enjoy is the numbness that doesn't go away for like four hours!! Anyways, so I am assuming that my bill would be $50. 
Which ISN'T chump change, by any means, but you can imagine my surprise when the woman behind her computer looks up and tells me I owe ....
.... $265.60....
WHAT??! Had this woman seriously lost her mind.
You guys, she said, "Oh, I thought I told you it would be that much."
Ummm...NO, LADY!!! Geez.
I literally could not get mad.
I just starred at her, my eyes watered up, and at any moment the tears were gonna start flooding down my face, like a freakin' waterfall.
Luckily, she took pity on me.
As she should have. Obviously.
I only had to pay half today.
Yea, yea. It was still a lot, but I have two weeks until I have to pay the rest.
So I was upset, but grateful nonetheless.

Also, I am going to two small groups this year.
One with Nathan and his church and the one I attend with the young adults from my church.
So my Sunday & Thursday evenings are now full and I love it that way! 
& Jesus does, too.
We talked about it, so I know.

Anyways, I would like to lose some weight, guys.
Not necessarily to be thin.
But frankly, I need to be healthy.
I just have no discipline or motivation for it.
Yea, so I'll letcha know how that goes. 

Well that was a bunch of rambling. 
Remember...I have a tendency to do that often.
So, finally, I had been seeing a counselor for my anxiety/stress/worry.
Which was great, but listen folks...I can not be forking out $42 every two weeks to talk to someone about my problems.
Would one of you do it...for FREE!?? 
Just kidding.
Sort of.

It is now 1:30pm.
I haven't eaten all day.
My mouth is no longer numb.
So, I'm signing off here to eat something...probably not healthy.
Someone hold me accountable, please!!

Happy Thursday, friends.
much love,

my friend, mindy kaling.


Ok, ok so obviously I have yet to post the second video from my trip to Atlanta for the Passion Conference. In my defense, that is because I have been deathly ill this week. 
I probably wouldn't have died, but in my over-dramatic mind, it sure felt like I might have.

So, maybe I'll post a follow-up video soon.
Maybe not.
Who knows. 
Honestly, I'm terrible at committing myself to something and following through most of the time.
Which isn't a great quality, I'm aware.
I just try to remind myself that I'll get better. 

Anyways, this morning I had plans to get up, clean my room up because it looks like the tornado from The Wizard of Oz came through it, do my large pile of laundry, and attempt to clear out the mess in my vehicle.
None of that has happened thus far.
It is 11:25am.

So what did I do instead?
Oh, I finally sat down to read Mindy Kaling's book.

Let me just say that I wish we were friends.
Like if I knew where to find her, I would be one of those creepy stalker people you hear about on television.
Of course I wouldn't be arrested or charged for anything.
Because she would find me in her house, probably in her library (I'm not sure if she has one, but I'm assuming), we would start talking, make jokes about our weight and how we will never be skinny, and become the best of friends that I knew we would always be. 
Yes, that is how it would go.
Afterwards, we would make arrangements to meet for dinner where she would introduce me to Zooey Deschanel. 

But for now, I have to go into town with one of my "real-life" friends.
Then, I will come home and clean.
Maybe...or nap.
It's raining outside, I don't have to work, and that basically means I should nap all day.
Oh, and then I'm meeting friends to go watch 'Pitch Perfect' at their house.
If you haven't seen that movie, then get off the computer now, go to RedBox (or wherever you rent movies), rent it, and then get ready to laugh so hard you'll cry. 
I'm serious.
You can thank me later.

Happy weekend, friends.
much love, 

Passion 2013.


It literally took me ALL day to upload this video.
Ridiculous, I know. 
Story of my life, I tell ya.
Anyways, I obviously didn't do a second video as I had mentioned in the one above.
After church I met our group that went to Passion for lunch, went to my mom's house for a bit, and then came home and slept all afternoon.
Soo...I'll have to post the next one sometime this week.

I hope you all had a very Happy New Year & enjoyed your weekend!
much love,

this is how you start off the new year!


Today is Tuesday, January 1, 2013.
And this is where I'll be for the next four days:

We (myself and eleven or so other college aged adults) will be leaving our small hometown this morning (at 6am...I've been up since 3:30!!), driving eight and half hours to Atlanta, checking into our hotel, and then heading to the Dome to experience God work in BIG ways.

I will be back next week with probably far too many photos and to share how things went down at Passion 2013. : ) I am still sick, feeling extremely tired, but beyond stoked for what I will encounter this week.

Please pray for safe travels, healing over any sickness for myself and all those traveling with me, and for God to reveal something amazing to us all for 2013!!

much love, friends.