Guest Post: Ms. Lulu ... or Ash. (I'm sure she will answer to both ;)


Oh, sweet friends ... you are in for a treat today! 
One of the loveliest ladies around is doing a guest post for me. 
I am over-the-moon excited about it!!
She is a dear & I am so grateful that God is blessing me with such a wonderful friendship!
Please pop on over to her blog after reading what her current favorites are lately.
You will be oh-so happy that you did!


i'm ash from love.lulu. i am so honored that colie asked me to guest post. she is such a doll & is quickly becoming a dear, dear friend.

a little about my life? i've been married to the man of my dreams for three years. we have one sweet little boy (he'll be two next month), & a pretty awesome cat. oh, & i love god. a lot.

the spring in the air has caused me to have organizing on the brain, as well as wanting to try a bit more overall in my appearance & health (I know my husband appreciates it. haha.). with that, i've come across some pretty great things. here are a few of my current favorites.

my new cosmetic bag

i don't know how i've never heard of danica studio until now. it's pretty much perfect. & pretty cheap. which makes me happy.

my new necklace.

this actually just came in the mail a few days ago. from i've been in desperate need of new jewelry, & this is so fun!

my new water bottle.

i got my husband the grey&black one for christmas, & have been secretly coveting it since. the other day, he came home with this for me. oh, i love him.

my new bag.

my in-laws got this for me for my birthday. they know me too well. it's my new favorite bag, for sure! & big enough for all my life-with-a-toddler essentials. & well, i think the toddler, too.

well, those are some of my favorites this week. hope you enjoyed.

have a lovely weekend!



  1. that water bottle looks like its from space! so cool!

  2. I'd never heard of Danica Studio either, but it all looks lovely!

    Helen x
